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Seed Ranch
Mossy Oak BioLogic Seed
Biologic BioMass - 25 Lbs.
Our Price:
BioMass is an affordable blend of peas, beans, sunflowers and grain sorghum for spring and summer planting. Developed to provide much-needed nutrition for your deer herd in critical warm weather months - the peak season for antler development. BioMass is easy to plant and grow, and is recommended for food plots of at least an acre or more. Beyond providing important nutrition for a healthy deer herd, BioMass will also benefit your wild turkeys and upland birds. BioMass from Biologic, its Farming for Wildlife at its very best.
Supported Species
Whitetail Deer, Wild Turkey, Upland Birds
Northern Zone
Transitional Zone
Southern Zone
25 lbs per acre
Planting Depth
1/2 inch
Amount of Sunlight
Best in full sun but will perform in as little as 6 hours per day.
Soil pH
5.8 to 7.0
300 to 500 pounds of 10-10-10 per acre.
The summer legumes are high in protein. This blend can significantly help in antler growth and fawn production.
The summer legumes are high in protein. This blend can significantly help in antler growth and fawn production.
Primary Usage
BioMass is attractive to deer very soon after germination. But the grains and beans will attract long into the season.
Soil Type
Will grow in all soil types pending adequate soil moisture is available.
How to Plant
This blend can be successfully grown anywhere that soybeans and peas will grow. It can be planted by broadcasting the seed on a well prepared seed bed at 25 to 30 pounds per acre, then lightly covering the seed 1/2 of an inch. For the best results plant BioMass, or BioMass all Legume with a drill at the rate of 25 lbs per acre and planting depth of 1/2 of an inch. To conserve soil moisture plant with a "no-till" drill after spraying the soil with Roundup or BioMaxx(tm) Herbicide (glyphosate) - this kills all existing vegetation while conserving soil moisture.
When to Plant
BioMass requires daytime temperatures in the 70's or higher to ensure rapid germination. It can be planted anytime during the late spring and through the summer as long as adequate soil moisture is available.
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