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Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide - 21 Oz.
Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide - 21 Oz.
Our Price: $719.95


Lexicon Intrinsic Brand Fungicide

Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide is a new chemistry combination for control of the toughest turfgrass diseases, including brown patch, dollar spot, fairy ring, pythium root dysfunction , snow mold, and summer patch, in addition to 22 other diseases. It also increases photosynthesis, strengthens roots and improves resilience to stress.

Combining the enhanced systemic properties of Xemium fungicide with the proven success of Insignia Intrinsic brand fungicide, Lexicon Intrinsic brand fungicide provides turfgrass professionals with a superior cornerstone product for fungicide programs.

Rate of use: 0.34-0.47 fl. oz./1000 sq. ft. on 14–28 day intervals

Active ingredients:
14.33% Fluxaparoxad
28.58% Pyraclostrobin

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 1 of 5 1 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
1 of 5 Lexicon June 20, 2020
Reviewer: Tom Ryan from Greenville, AL United States  
It has been ordered for over two weeks, and I have not received my product. Please expedite.

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