Ronstar FLO Herbicide Ronstar FLO is a pre-emergent herbicide for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in turf and ornamentals. Ronstar herbicide controls weeds through shoots, not roots. So unlike competitive products that don't distinguish between roots of weeds and roots and desirable plants, Ronstar doesn't harm healthy turf. This product can be applied to sensitive grasses and areas where roots are already weakened by winterkill, pests or injury.
Product Highlights
- Works on warm-season grasses.
- One pre-emergent application - even in cold weather, or weeks before seed germination - controls weeds all season long.
- Offers an environment conducive to sprigging.
- Doesn't inhibit turf root growth or recovery from damage.
- Doesn't prevent roots from tacking down.
Pests Controlled
- Broadleaf weeds: Bittergrass, bristly oxtongue, carpetweed, cheeseweed, common groundsel, common purslane, evening primrose ragwort, lambsquarters, liverwort, oxalis, Pennsylvania smartweed, prostrate spurge, redroot pigweed, sow thistle, speedwell, spotted catsear, swinecress, yellow woodsorrel.
- Grassy weeds: Annual bluegrass, barnyardgrass, crabgrass, fall panicum, goose grass, green foxtail, wild oats.
Rate of use: Ground Application - Apply Ronstar FLO herbicide broadcast, in a minimum of 1 gallon of water per 1000 sq. ft., to ornamentals at 1.85 to 2.8 fl oz of product per 1000 sq. ft., depending on the weeds to be controlled, as in product label provided below. Remove existing weed growth before application. The maximum number of applications is 2 per year. A subsequent application can be made 4 months after previous treatment. For over the top sprays, irrigate within 2 hours after application, otherwise injury to the ornamentals may result. Active Ingredient: Oxadiazon - 34.1%
Product Label
