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Seed Ranch
Signature XTRA Stressgard Systemic Fungicide - 5.5 Lbs.
Our Price:
Signature XTRA Stressgard Systemic Fungicide
Signature XTRA Stressgard is a true systemic fungicide that enhances plant health and turf quality, while minimizing stress from both abiotic and biotic sources. Signature XTRAStressgard uses a new, improved formulation of fosetyl-Al, the same active used in Chipco Signature, has provided over 20 years of consistently high turf-quality ratings, along with no documented reports of resistance development in the field. The new formulation protects against summer decline and Pythium blight, plus adds stronger control of root-infecting Pythium species when watered in. It can be applied alone or in a tank mix.
Rate of use:
Between 2 - 6 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. Mix and apply as a foliar spray using ground application equipment. Apply in 1 to 5 gallons of spray solution per 1,000 sq. ft.
Active Ingredients:
Aluminum tris - 60%
Product Label
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