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Seed Ranch > Pasture Seeds > Clover Seeds > Berseem Clover Seed (Frosty)
Berseem Clover (Trifolium alexandrinum)

Berseem clover is a cool-season annual legume native to the Mediterranean region. For millennia, it has been the foundation for agriculture in the Nile Delta, featuring salt tolerance, high nitrogen fixation, and a synergistic relationship to alfalfa. Frosty, while preserving its Mediterranean genetics, has been bred for later maturity, cold tolerance, productivity, and nutritional value.

Deer love Frosty's palatable and nutritious yields. In Mississippi food plot trials, Frosty was grazed by 4x more deer than other competing clovers.

Planting Frosty in your food plot will help establish it as a favorite food source, and keep them coming back for more due to its:

  • Excellent palatability - they seek it out among other food options
  • Quality protein as high as 22.1% which builds body mass and rack size
  • Feed value up to 182 contributing to healthy deer and healthy offspring

Frosty is an ideal nitrogen fixing cover crop in the south because of its growth habit and timing. It produces early season biomass that makes it highly attractive as a cover crop in rotation with corn and cotton in the southeast US. North of Tennessee, Frosty may winterkill and as a result should only be used in cover crop applications where winterkill is acceptable or desired.

Planting information:
Frosty berseem prefers slightly alkalnie loam and silty soils with a pH of 6+. Plant 1/4 inch deep.

Seeding rate:

  • Drilled: monoculture 15 lb./acre; in mixes 5-7 lb./acre
  • Broadcast: monoculture 25 lb./acre; in mixes 12-16 lb./acre
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Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 1 Lb.
Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 1 Lb.
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Our Price: $12.95
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Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 5 Lbs.
Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 5 Lbs.
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Our Price: $37.77
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Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 10 Lbs.
Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 10 Lbs.
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Our Price: $57.77
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Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 25 Lbs.
Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 25 Lbs.
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Our Price: $122.95
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Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 50 Lbs.
Frosty Berseem Clover Seed - 50 Lbs.
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Our Price: $217.77
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