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Seed Ranch > Wildlife Food Plot Seeds > Grain Seeds
Barley Seed Triticale Seed (Tri 324) Bob Oats Seed
Buck Forage Oats Coker 227 Oats Seed Elbon Rye Grain Seed
Florida 501 Oats Seed Harrison Oats Seed Naked Oats Seed
Rice Seed Rymin Rye Grain Seed Buckwheat Seed
Wheat Seeds

Grain Seed

Our selection of grain seed for use in creating inviting wildlife food plots is extensive. Buck Forage Oats are the #1 choice for attracting deer. They're very winter-hardy, germinate quickly and stay tender longer. Buckwheat Seed is a summer annual that does well in all types of soil, is inexpensive to grow and doesn't require much attention while growing.

Egyptian Wheat Seed is preferred for food plots designed to attract quail and provides both food and cover. Although a member of the sorghum family, it's not prone to damage from large birds like blackbirds, as are most other sorghum varieties.

Naked Oats Seed produces an excellent crop suitable for consumption by humans, horses and other animals. High in fiber, protein and natural antioxidants but low in starch, this grain is great for cereals and pasta.

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Buck Forage Oats - 1 Lb. Georgia Gore Wheat Seed - 1 Lb.
Bob Oats Grain Seed - 1 Lb. Naked Oats Seed - 1 Lb.
Naked Oats Seed - 1 Lb.
Our Price: $9.95
Coker 227 Oats Seed - 1 Lb. Florida 501 Oats Seed - 1 Lb.
Harrison Oats Seed - 1 Lb. Elbon Rye Grain Seed - 1 Lb.
Atlantic Barley Seed - 1 Lb. Triticale Seed (Tri 324) - 1 Lb.
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